Resources - Ottawa
- Primary Care Clinics
420 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 2N6 - 613-233-4443
- 613-233-3987
University of Ottawa Student Health and Wellness Centre
801 King Edward Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5 - 613-562-5498
- 613-562-5451
- Family Physicians and Nurse Practitioners
Dr. Jean-Claude Boily
Vitalis Family Medicine / Medicine Familiale Vitalis
292 Montreal Road
Vanier, ON K1L 6B7 - 613-745-5651
- 613-745-7947
Dr. Remi De Champlain
Clinique De Médecine Familiale De Hull
15 Boulevard Montclair, Bureau 202
Gatineau, QC J8Y 2E2 - 819-772-2003
Dr. Vanessa Marley
Dr. Mireille St Jean
Academic Family Health Team: teaching facility
Ottawa Hospital Civic Campus: Grimes Lodge – Main Floor
210 Melrose Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1Y 4K7 - 613-761-4334
Dr. Herschel Kagan
Central Ottawa Family Medicine Associates
267 O’Connor Street, Suite 500
Ottawa, ON K2P 1V3 - 613-234-5553
- 613-232-4818
Elizabeth Lavoie NP
University of Ottawa Health Services Family Health Team
316 Rideau St, 2nd floor
Ottawa, ON K1N 5Y5 - 613-564-3950
- 613-564-6627
- Specialty Clinics by Referral Only
The Ottawa Hospital General Campus
Module G, 2nd floor
501 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6 - 613-737-8856
The Ottawa Hospital General Campus
Module G, 2nd floor
501 Smyth Road
Ottawa, ON K1H 8L6 - 613-737-8856
- Anonymous HIV Testing Clinics
179 Clarence Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 5P7 - 613-580-6744
- 613-580-9601
Gay Zone
420 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 0H2 - Thursday evenings 5 - 8pm
- 613-580-2610
- www.info@gayzonegaie.ca
Centretown Community Health Centre
420 Cooper Street
Ottawa, ON K2P 2N6 - 613-233-4443
- 613-233-3987
900 Merivale Road
Ottawa, ON K1Z 5Z8 - 613-722-4000
- 613-761-1805
Ottawa Inner City Health Services
5 Myrand Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 5N7 - 613-562-4500
- 613-562-4505
- info@ottawainnercityhealth.ca
Sandy Hill Community Health Centre
221 Nelson Street
Ottawa, ON K1N 1C7 - 613-789-1500
- 613-789-7962
South-East Ottawa Community Health Centre
1355 Bank Street, Suite 600
Ottawa, ON K1H 8K7 - 613-737-5115
- Mental Health
Men & Healing
35 Beechwood Avenue, 3rd Floor
Ottawa, ON K1M 1M1 - 613-482-9363
- 613-701-0379
- info@menandhealing.ca
Megan Green
Social Worker
- 613-706-1584
- Therapists
Marie Robertson
- Tel: 613-421-0344
- www.marie@talktomarie.com
Christopher Hnain
1 Rideau Street, 7th Floor
Ottawa, ON K1N 8S7 - 613-737-8899 ext. 72424
- Registered Psychotherapists
Celine Goyette
Life Seasons Psychotherapy
376 Churchill Avenue, Suite 104
Ottawa, ON K1Z 5C3 - 613-406-4000
Shannon Lawless
Shannon Lawless Counselling Services
99 Kakulu, Suite 208
Kanata, ON K2L 3C8 - 855-690-7360
- info@shannonlawlesstherapy.com
Wesley Moore
Core Psychotherapy
705-265 Carling Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1S 2E1 - 613-421-9960
- wes.moore@corepsychotherapy.ca
Mego Nerses
MN Psychotherapy Services
149 Second Avenue, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K1S 2H6 - 613-266-6203
Antoine Quenneville
Forefront Psychotherapy
451 Daly Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 6H6
2948 Baseline Road, Suite 206
Nepean ON K2H 8T5 - 613-406-1161
- quennevilleantoine@gmail.com
- Registered Psychologists
Dr. Chrystal Holly
Balance Psychology and Wellness Practice
130 Slater St, Suite 620
Ottawa, ON K1P 6E2 - 613-699-6510
Dr. Louise Balfour
458 MacLaren Street, Ground Floor
Ottawa, ON K1R 5K6 - 613-355-1645
Dr. Gordon Josephson
340 Gladstone Ave, Suite 201
Ottawa, ON K2P 0Y8 - 613-231-4111
- 613-231-4112