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Health Tracker

[health_tracker_chart title="alcohol_chart" type="bar" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_alcohol" field_name1="amountOfDrinks" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="2" ]
[health_tracker table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_alcohol" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Alcohol-1.png" Instructions="Select the date you drank below and input the total number of drinks you had that day." datepicker="datetimepicker1" label="Amount of Drinks" title="Alcohol" content_input="amountOfDrinks" desc1="Alcohol affects your brain and liver, and can cause permanent damage." desc2="Health Canada recommends moderate alcohol use and not more than 15 drinks per week, or three drinks in one day" range1="A drink is defined as:" range2="- 1 beer (12 oz or 340 mL) containing 5% alcohol" range3="- 1 glass of wine (5 oz or 142 mL) containing 12% alcohol" range4="- 1 shot of hard liquor (1.5 oz or 43 mL) containing 40% alcohol"] [data_connection content_input="amountOfDrinks" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_alcohol" ]
[health_tracker_chart title="bloodSugar_chart" type="line" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_blood_sugar" field_name1="glucoseLevel" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="1" ]
[health_tracker_no_range table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_blood_sugar" datepicker="datetimepicker3" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_BloodSugar-1.png" title="Blood sugar" Instructions="After testing your blood sugar with your glucometer, select the date of the reading and input the value." desc1="If you have diabetes, you should monitor your blood sugar levels regularly using a glucometer. This is done using a sterile lance to prick your finger and then placing a drop of your blood on a special strip that is inserted in the glucometer. The glucometer will then determine the amount of sugar in your blood. Blood sugars should be measured fasting, that is on an empty stomach. The best time is first thing in the morning before you have coffee or breakfast." label="Glucose level, measured in mmol/L" desc2=" " desc3="Blood sugar ranges: 4.0-7.0 mmol/L (when fasting)" content_input="glucoseLevel" ] [data_connection content_input="glucoseLevel" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_blood_sugar" ]
[health_tracker_chart title="calories_chart" type="bar" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_calories" field_name1="calories" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="500" ]
[health_tracker_calories_table table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_calories" datepicker="datetimepicker4" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Diet-1.png" Instructions="Throughout the day try to keep a note of what you eat. Once you’ve had all your food for the day tally it all up. Select the date below and input your number of calories consumed." title="Calories" desc1="The number of calories in foods is a measure of how much energy or fuel they contain. You need a certain number of calories to maintain your normal level of activity. If you consume fewer calories, your body will draw on your energy stores such as fat tissue to meet your requirements. If you eat too many calories, your body will store the excess energy, generally as fat. Health Canada recommends men consume the following number of calories per day, based on age and activity level:" range1="Inactive lifestyle – prolonged periods of sitting, using a computer, watching TV" range2="Low activity lifestyle – waking to the bus, mowing the lawn" range3="Active lifestyle – at least two and a half hours or exercise per week where breathing and heart rate are increased" label="Calories from snacks and meals" content_input="calories" input_label=""] [data_connection content_input="calories" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_calories" ]
[health_tracker_chart_for_sexual_Weight_Cholesterol title="cholestrerol_chart" type="line" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_cholestrerol" field_name1="cholesterol" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="1" ] [health_tracker_no_range table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_cholestrerol" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Cholesterol-1.png" title="Cholesterol" datepicker="datetimepicker5" content_input="cholesterol" Instructions="Once you get the results from your blood test, select the date of the test below and insert the value measured." desc1="Cholesterol is contained in many foods we eat and is also synthesized by our bodies. There are many types of cholesterol, the main ones being low-density (bad) cholesterol and high-density (good) cholesterol. Too much cholesterol, particularly bad cholesterol, can cause atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries which in turn increases your risk of heart attack and stroke. Below are recommended targets for the amount of cholesterol in your blood. If you have other risk factors for heart disease and stroke, such as diabetes, smoking or high blood pressure, your cholesterol targets may be lower. Cholesterol should be measured fasting, that is on an empty stomach. The best time is first thing in the morning, before you have coffee or breakfast." desc3="Cholesterol ranges:" desc4="Total cholesterol; Less than 5.2 mmol/L" desc5="Low-density (bad) cholesterol; Less than 3.5 mmol/L" desc6="High-density (good) cholesterol; Greater than 1.0 mmol/L " label="Cholesterol reading, measured in mmol/L" ] [data_connection content_input="cholesterol" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_cholestrerol" ]
[health_tracker_chart_for_sexual_Weight_Cholesterol title="weight_chart" type="line" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_weight" field_name1="weight" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="20" scale_start_value="100" ] [health_tracker_weight_table table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_weight" datepicker="datetimepicker11" label="Weight (lb)" Instructions="Try to be consistent with the time of day that you weigh yourself. For most guys, you should weigh yourself once every week or two; if you are trying to lose weight you may weigh yourself more frequently. Select the date below and enter your weight in pounds." logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Weight-1.png" title="Weight" content_input="weight" desc1="Maintaining an optimal weight contributes greatly to good health. This does not mean being “ripped” or having the “perfect” body. Optimal weight comes from eating healthy and moderate exercise. Optimal weights vary depending on height, overall physique, and muscle mass. Below are targets that you should aim for:" ] [data_connection content_input="weight" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_weight" ]
[health_tracker_chart_for_exercise title="exercise_chart" type="bar" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_exercise" field_name1="moderate" field_name2="vigorous" scale_steps="8" scale_step_width="60" ] [health_tracker_exercise table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_exercise" Instructions="At the end of the day, record the type (moderate or vigorous) and amount of time spent, in minutes, of activity you did throughout the day." datepicker="datetimepicker6" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Exercise-1.png" label1="Amount of Exercise" label2="Intensity" title="Exercise" content_input1="amountOfExercise" content_input2="intensity" ] [data_connection_exercise content_input1="moderate" content_input2="vigorous" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_exercise" ]
[health_tracker_chart_for_bloodPressure title="bloodPressure_chart" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_blood_pressure" field_name1="systolic" field_name2="disastolic" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="20" ]
[health_tracker_for_bloodPressure table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_blood_pressure" datepicker="datetimepicker2" Instructions1="Make sure to take your blood pressure sitting still with your feet flat on the ground. When the measurement is given to you there will be two numbers. The larger number is the systolic value; this is the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart is contracting. The smaller number is the diastolic value; this is the pressure in your blood vessels when your heart is relaxed." instructions2="You can take your blood pressure with your own machine, or you can go to your local pharmacy – most have a machine you can use for free. After you get your reading, select the date below and input the two pressure values." logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_BloodPressure-1.png" title="Blood Pressure" label1="Systolic Pressure (mmHg)" label2="Diastolic Pressure (mmHg)" content_input1="systolic" content_input2="disastolic" desc1="Blood pressure will vary depending on the time of day and activity level. It is best to take your blood pressure on three separate occasions and when you are not feeling rushed, stressed, or anxious. High blood pressure can contribute to stroke and to heart disease, including heart attack." range1="Blood pressure ranges:" range2="100-120 over 60-80 Normal" range3="121-139 over 81-89 Monitor closely" range4=">140 over >90 See your doctor" ] [data_connection_for_bloodPressure content_input1="systolic" content_input2="disastolic" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_blood_pressure" ]
[health_tracker_chart title="mood_chart" type="line" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_mood" field_name1="scaleOfMood" scale_steps="5" scale_step_width="1" ]
[health_tracker_slider table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_mood" datepicker="datetimepicker7" title="Mood" Instructions="Select the date below and use the slider to reflect your overall mood for the day." logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Mood-1.png" label="Scale of Mood" content_input="scaleOfMood" desc1="Everyone’s mood changes throughout the day, and from day to day. Our mood is influenced by the people around us, by events – some in and some out of our control, by how much sleep we have had, by whether or not we are hungry, and so much more. Whether sad, happy, frustrated, or content, our moods are always changing. It is not normal to be happy all the time, but it is also not healthy to be sad all the time. If you experience prolonged periods of feeling sad, hopeless, or anxious you should talk to someone. Start with a friend, your doctor, or a therapist." ] [data_connection content_input="scaleOfMood" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_mood" ]
[health_tracker_chart_for_sexual_Weight_Cholesterol title="sexual_stisfaction_chart" type="line" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_sexsual_satisfaction" field_name1="scaleOfSexsualSatisfaction" scale_steps="5" scale_step_width="1" ]
[health_tracker_slider table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_sexsual_satisfaction" datepicker="datetimepicker8" label="Scale of Sexual Satisfaction" title="Sexual satisfaction" Instructions="Whether you’re having sex every day or just once in a blue moon, it is something worth paying attention to. Tracking your sex may seem weird, but if you’re worried that you may be having some issues it’s a good way to see if there is a pattern. Just select the date below and then use the slider to record your experience during each sexual encounter." logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_SexualSatisfaction-1.png" content_input="scaleOfSexsualSatisfaction" slider_ticks='"Horrible","","","","Amazing"' desc1="For many men, sex is an important part of good overall health. Men who report a satisfactory sex life that includes pleasurable sexual activities are more likely to report lower levels of stress, improved sleep, increase self-esteem, greater productivity, increased libido and sexual performance, lower blood pressure, improved cardiovascular function, and a positive sense of well-being. Of course, not all sexual encounters whether with a regular partner or someone new will be deeply satisfying. However, the overall trend should be that sex provides good and pleasurable experiences." ] [data_connection content_input="scaleOfSexsualSatisfaction" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_sexsual_satisfaction" ]
[health_tracker_chart title="sleep_chart" type="bar" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_sleep" field_name1="hoursOfSleep" scale_steps="12" scale_step_width="1" ] [health_tracker table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_sleep" datepicker="datetimepicker9" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Sleep-1.png" title="Sleep" Instructions="In the morning, select the date below and input the approximate hours of sleep you got last night." content_input="hoursOfSleep" desc1="Sleep is a natural period during which we experience a low level of consciousness, inhibited sensory activity, and minimal interactions with our surroundings. Sleep occurs in a regular pattern known as a circadian rhythm. Sleep has many purposes, all of which are not understood. Following a period of sleep, we feel refreshed and our brain is able to process more information faster. Sleep also improves mood. Lack of sleep can lead to irritability and melancholy. Sleep is also restorative for the body allowing tissues to repair after the wear and tear of the day." range1="Most health authorities, including the US National Sleep Foundation, recommend the following hours of sleep per night based on age:" range2="18-64 years: 7-9 hours per night" range3="65 years and over: 7-8 hours per night" label="Approximate hours of sleep from previous night" ] [data_connection content_input="hoursOfSleep" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_sleep" ]
[health_tracker_chart title="smoking_chart" type="bar" canvaswidth="330" canvasheight="210" width="100%" height="auto" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_smoking" field_name1="numberOfCigarettes" scale_steps="10" scale_step_width="5" ] [health_tracker table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_smoking" datepicker="datetimepicker10" label="Number of cigarettes" logo="http://cometohugo.ca/wp-content/uploads/2019/06/HUGO_Graphics_Smoking-1.png" title="Smoking" Instructions="Select the date below and input the number of cigarettes you had in the day." content_input="numberOfCigarettes" desc1="Smoking directly damages the lungs. Smoking makes you more susceptible to respiratory infections like the cold, the flu, and pneumonia; and is the leading cause of chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer. Absorption of toxic chemicals in smoke through the lungs into the blood stream also allows these chemicals to reach all parts of your body. These chemicals will damage blood vessels, greatly increasing the risk of heart attack, stroke, and erectile dysfunction, and can contribute to the risk of developing forms of cancer other than lung cancer. All of this makes smoking one of the leading causes of poor health, shortened life span, and death." range1=" There are many ways to quit smoking: quitting abruptly – cold turkey, cutting back until you can stop, using the patch, or with medications such as Zyban or Champix. Cutting down on the number of cigarettes you smoke each day may be a way to work towards quitting. " ] [data_connection content_input="numberOfCigarettes" table_name="wp_hugo_health_tracker_smoking" ]