How is your Mental Health Knowledge?

Gay men and other guys into guys are at an increased risk for developing:


Gay men are more likely to be dissatisfied with their body and suffer from an eating disorder compared to straight men.


Which drugs are the most costly to our healthcare system?


In what year was homosexuality officially removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)?


What is one of the best ways to improve your overall mental health?


Struggling with mental health challenges alone and in silence can lead some people to addiction.


Which mental illness is most associated with insomnia?


What are some ways of reducing your risk of harm when using drugs?


What are some ways of reducing your risk of harm when using drugs?


All gay guys enjoy sex because it feels good and relieves anxiety


Feelings of depression and anxiety mean I am screwed up and not as strong as the people around me?


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